Held each spring, the Zebulon Chamber Annual Dinner celebrates accomplishments of the previous year and sets the stage for a successful year to come. Awards are presented recognizing achievements in business and contributions to civic life that promote the welfare of our community. Historically, the Annual Dinner has been one of Zebulon’s largest networking and social events of the year.
The Zebulon Chamber Business After Hours (BAH) are popular monthly events to enjoy fun, food, and fellowship among Chamber members and their guests. They provide an opportunity to network with area business and civic leaders, meet potential clients, and make new friends. Hosting BAH showcases your business and is an ideal opportunity to introduce your services and products to fellow Chamber members.
Coffee Connections: A Conversation with the Mayor is a quarterly breakfast hosted by the Zebulon Chamber. The Mayor and Town of Zebulon Staff provide a brief update on timely topics regarding developments around Zebulon followed by open discussion among guests. This is a wonderful way to meeting town leaders and other business and townspeople in an informal setting. To foster meaningful dialogue and relationships, attendance is open to the public and seating is limited with pre-registration required.
Zebulon Chamber Ribbon Cuttings are events organized to celebrate the opening of a new business or the expansion of an existing one. Business owners work with the Chamber to plan the event to generate publicity for the business. The Town Mayor and Chamber Executive Director formally welcome the business to town. Dignitaries, business owners, community members, and media attend fostering a sense of community and support for the local business environment. The Mayor has the privilege of formally opening the business by cutting the ribbon with the symbolic “BIG SCISSORS.” To maximize participation, Ribbon Cuttings are scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays.
Zebulon has a growing business community, especially small businesses. Designed to support vibrancy and growth, the Zebulon Chamber Small Business Series invites regional business experts to Zebulon to provide insight on timely topics and access to related resources. This event meets quarterly and is available to Chamber members as part of their membership.
Held annually, ZebulonNext connects you with resources for success for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Spend the morning at this forum to learn from regional leaders about innovations within their organizations. Themes include leveraging options for a skilled workforce and exploring trends in economic development.
YOU Can Host an Event!
Contact the Zebulon Chamber of Commerce @ (919) 269-6320 for more information.